Application Development

Mobile application with customization, Wide range of enterprise mobile product application development services including mobile porting, design, wireless mobile computing, smartphone solutions, remote device management, and many more.

Creative Solutions

User interface design, layout, the best practice and innovative solutions to your business.

Deliver for Future

Creative and experienced with latest industry trends to deliver next generation enterprise web applications, mobile solutions - portal development and maintenance along with technical support, brand management and online marketing.

With us

Webx offer the best opportunities for its employees to innovate, learn and grow. Joining hands with such an organization will put you on a guaranteed growth-path

Software Development

Complete firm of skilled professionals, award winners having unique and immense experience in the Website Design, development and maintenance. Sharply focus on client’s business and deliver best possible solutions and methodologies.



Your Web browser is a translation device. It takes a document written in the HTML language and translates it into a formatted Web page. The result of this translation is a little like giving two human translators a sentence written in French and asking them to translate it into English. Both will get the meaning across, but may not use the same words to do so.

The basic rules for translating HTML documents are established by the World Wide Web Consortium, which publishes the official HTML standards. But there's considerable room for interpretation within those ground rules.

For example, the HTML standards say that the TABLE tag should support a CELLSPACING attribute to define the space between parts of the table. But standards don't define the default value for that attribute, so unless you explicitly define CELLSPACING when building your page, two browsers may use different amounts of white space in your table.